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Ouchi Lab lab focuses on conducting research in emergency medicine and palliative care, in collaboration with other experts at other institutions. Dr. Ouchi is a practicing emergency physician and a home hospital physician engaged in clinically-oriented research at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School. As a physician board certified in Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine, he sees a gap in the quality of care for seriously ill older adults when they visit the emergency department (ED). 75% of older adults visit the ED in the last six months of life; yet, up to 90% of them do not have advance directives and are at risk of receiving care that is inconsistent with their goals. As more seriously ill older adults visit the ED, the role of the ED in our health care system is expanding from providing only acute, disease-oriented care (e.g., gunshot wounds) to include patient-centered, goal-concordant care (e.g., end-of-life care) that requires the application of geriatrics and palliative care principles.

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